Development and role of Ekuna
The company is located in Dévaványa since its foundation in 1993. Its economic form at that time was Bt. In the course of its development, it became necessary to adapt the business form, so in January 1997 it was transformed into a Kft. as a full legal successor of Ekuna Bt. The main activity of the company is the assembly of electronic components, which includes more than 80 different products from the automotive industry to control technology. Ekuna Kft. is one of the industrial production companies established on a market basis with financial participation of the owners after the regime change. Due to orders from prestigious business partners, Ekuna Kft. has grown steadily in recent years and has provided a wide range of job opportunities. The company has gradually made technological improvements in the field of automation. The initially simple manual operations have been continuously replaced by machine-assisted or automatic operations. The wave soldering machine enabled the fast automated soldering of printed circuits. The operations were gradually expanded, including the use of computerized electronic tests. The first expansion of the company building took place in 1994, which also led to an increase in the number of employees. The capacity of our company has been constantly growing ever since. Due to the rapid development of the electronics industry, it was essential to rely on state-of-the-art technologies. The second major expansion took place in 1996-1997, which mainly concerned our storage and production capacities. Continuous quality controls, compliance with the quality assurance requirements according to ISO 9001:2015 and trained employees guarantee the right quality and flexible delivery times. In 2002, we introduced ABAS as our ERP system in daily use, which manages company, customer and supplier data in a timely manner. In 2005 we switched to lead-free soldering with the help of a nitrogen protected wave soldering machine. Hand soldering stations were replaced in order to keep up with the constantly evolving technological changes. In 2006, an automatic coating machine was put into operation, which ensures the quality of selective conformal coating for printed circuit boards. In 2008, due to the increase of orders, the plant was extended once more by an additional production area of 1.000 m² including storage space.